We Offer More Than Just Parking


Lately we have been noticing a common theme amongst our customers and their experience with AAAA Auto Storage. They come in seeking a basic safe place to keep their car, however they end up discovering that when you keep a car with us, there is so much more to what we do.


Automotive Escrow

More and more we are seeing enthusiasts bring us their cars while they are prepped, submitted, and listed on Bring A Trailer or other auction sites.

Not only do we offer basic storage for this, but we can have the vehicle smogged, take photos for interested parties, or entertain viewings while an auction is live.

Once the auction or sales period has closed, we’ll even hand the vehicle off to the new owner or coordinate auto transport.


Collection Management

Lately collection management services have popped up around the country for those customers with many collectible vehicles that need them garaged, maintained, and transported. We have been doing this for years!

If you have a collection of cars and want to take a hands off approach, contact us and we can give you details.


Truly Military Friendly Vehicle Storage

Many of our copy cats will purport that they are military friendly in the hopes of getting a piece of a large and easily marketed to group here in San Diego.

However we are truly military friendly for a few reasons:

  • We’ve spent 50 years serving the military in San Diego. This means we deeply understand what we can do to make military members’ lives easier while on deployment- Flexible payments, towing services, prompt email communication. These things seem simple but few businesses get it right.

  • A truly reasonable discounted military rate. We are confident that a military member will not find a low rate for the same level of service here in San Diego. Beyond that it is far lower than some of our competitors with (what we believe) is an elevated level of service.

  • We Offer A Full Service Menu. The military clientele we get like to keep their cars, trucks, and motorcycles running well and looking good. A six to eight month deployment may be the best time to perform maintenance, fix a ding, or get new tires since the customer is not dependent on his or her wheels during that time.
